tAkINg cOntrOl!

Filed Under Daily

When I moved to my new studio six months ago, I loved the studio and it was very nice. I wanted to make sure that all unfinished business in the whole building would be completed by the company that was responsible for the construction.

I noticed that they delayed the requests and there was no follow-up. It left everyone quite frustrated and we all had the feeling that it would never be completely finished. I took up the challenge and decided to deal with every problem that we encountered. I first tried to be nice and sent out notices then I attacked them publickly using everything that I know (blog, Facebook, twitter, emails, Flickr).

After 6 months of continuous effort, I think I am about to take over the control of the building itself. I am not too sure I want to continue but if I don’t do it, who will do it? There will be soon a general assembly that will decide the fate of the building. I want to make sure that it will be in good hands.

I’ve kept the whole story on another blog because I was not sure I would succeed. I was quite violent but it worked in the end!



2 Responses to “tAkINg cOntrOl!”

  1. Coura on September 24th, 2014 1:37 pm

    Mon Pierrot…
    quelle galere dis donc! mais tiens bon! faut pas vous laisser faire!
    du courage

  2. admin on September 25th, 2014 12:00 pm

    🙂 tkt c’est un peu “over” dramatique mais en fait c’est pas grand chose. J’en fais un caca nerveux pour justement obtenir ce que je veux :).

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