Seoul has not changed much since 2008. It is indeed my second visit after 6 years. I was at the Hyatt (5 stars) and now I am at the Sheraton Wakerhill (5 Stars). I enjoy both rooms with their charms. I prefer the Sheraton that has a river view. However, the Hyatt had the city center view. It was easier to walk around at the Hyatt. The Sheraton room has ambiance light and music with their own programs! You just hit the button and your bed becomes very fancy. Everything looks perfect. I do not know how I managed to get jobs that provide me with the opportunities to travel around. I went to check the city center quickly.

I am glad that Alisson thinks that I am lucky but I do not really think that way myself. I hope that Alisson will have the same opportunities or more opportunites. Here are few photos to show the lavish luxury in which I am at the moment.


6 Responses to “sEoul 6 yEArs afTer!”

  1. Helene on July 12th, 2014 12:10 pm

    Trooooop beauuuu, profite bien de ton voyage !!!!!!

    On débarque le we prochain, en esperant te voir pour que tu nous racontes tous ça !

  2. admin on July 12th, 2014 12:31 pm

    Je vois qu’il y a une fan déjà :). Je pense que cela vous aurait bien plu à toi et Alisson.

  3. Diane on July 13th, 2014 2:59 pm

    moi aussiiii suis faaaan! C’est une ville que j’aimerai aussi un jour visité! La nourriture n’a pas l’air différent de la nourriture viet, si?

  4. admin on July 14th, 2014 3:52 am

    Si je pouvais je vous donnerais volontiers ma place et je resterais à la maison jouer à WoW! Encore 4 jours et je serai de retour et en VACANCES!

  5. Alisson on July 14th, 2014 7:19 am

    Oui si tu pouvais, moi j’aurais dit oui volontiers pour prendre ta place hihihihi

  6. admin on July 15th, 2014 11:38 am

    La nourriture coréenne ressemble a la nourriture viet. Pleins de poissons et de calamars grillées.

    Le Kim chi est leur spécialité.

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