i Am cRuAl!

Filed Under Daily

Today, I felt bad but I had to be clear. The stupid fat kid came and asked if he can borrow my Xbox 360. I told him that I am sorry but the Xbox 360 costs 600 euros when I bought it and I cannot let him borrow it. I hurt me to say it to the kid but he is really pushing the button too far and it should be clear.
I really do not want to have to deal with these people: I am very crual, I do not help stupid ugly people and I will never do it.
What I meant by “stupid” is that the kid has no education, the first time we met he entered my studio without even asking. He checked around, touched everything without permission. The kind of fat stupid characters you get to see in movies but here I got a live version!


2 Responses to “i Am cRuAl!”

  1. Alisson on June 29th, 2014 12:19 pm

    Hahahahaha je sais pas si tu as vu le film “Charlie et la chocolaterie” mais ton stupid fat kid me fait penser au gros garçon dans ce film!

  2. admin on June 29th, 2014 12:21 pm

    ben c’est le même!

    Bien con et bien bête!

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