tHe PaSt!

Filed Under Daily

On my way to the park, I come accross a playing field. I see a group of asian people playing “petanque”. Each time I see that, it reminds me of the begginning of my life in France.

Today I looked at the timeline of my life,  and I cried again:



If only I can go back in time. I would say one thing to this little boy I was:

“Don’t be afraid, it will be alright”

He had dreams … so many dreams.


2 Responses to “tHe PaSt!”

  1. Coura on April 26th, 2014 1:49 pm

    happy belated birthday!!! je te souhaite tous mes voeux!
    Ca fait bizarre de te revoir avec tes photos de ND derriere ta hotte. Anne est une hottie dis donc 🙂 il est ou Paul dans le second slideshow? ;)….

  2. admin on April 26th, 2014 1:57 pm

    mici 🙂 38 ans, mon dieu!

    Aucune idee pour Paul ces sildeshow ont été réalisés il y a très longtemps de cela.

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