Hurt like hell!

Filed Under Daily

I was swimming nicely and all of a sudden my right eye got irritated. The pain slowly increased and I had to stop. I was doing pretty good. I don’t know what they put in that water but now my right eye is all red. I did very well though. A little hip correction and the regular sound coming from the Tech Toc helped me coordinating my body and arms rotation. For the same effort, I only need to extend longer and use all the energy given by the arm moves without breaking it. I hope the pain in the eye will go away. I bought new gogles for tomorrow.


3 Responses to “Hurt like hell!”

  1. Coura on August 2nd, 2008 7:01 am

    Moi aussi j’ai toujours les yeux d’alcolo quand je vais a la piscine, 5 min c’est tout ce qu’il me faut!

  2. Coura on August 2nd, 2008 7:03 am

    Et puis les goggles en plus de ressembler a un insecte, t’as pas l’air con apres que l’eau s’inflitre

  3. admin on August 3rd, 2008 1:24 am

    Il m’arrive rarement d’avoir ces infiltrations mais quand ca arrive c’est un malheur! M’enfin c’est passe et ca a regle du meme coup le probleme de l’hyper sensitivite de l’oeil gauche 🙂

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