DaY oFF!

Filed Under Daily

After reserving 8 days for Christmas and New year’s vacations, I still had 7 days off to put somewhere so I decided to have small 4 days/week of work in coming weeks until December. Today is a day off for me. I like having short weeks. I still do some work but in a relaxed manner at home. I am not the type of guy who would separate his work time and personnal time since I do not have a family. I do not mind at all opening my emails and answering questions.
I have a dental appointment also. I do not like much dentists but it is better to go when I do not have problems for some checking than wait for some serious pain to get an appointment.
I bought a 4G hotspot device (109 Euros) and I will use the coupon to get 80 euros back. I like these expensive gadgets. They look very fancy and it is a good deal to get them cheaper than their normal price. I do not know if I will ever need it though :).


2 Responses to “DaY oFF!”

  1. Anne corpace on October 11th, 2013 10:15 am

    tu veux pas me le preter? 😀

    j’ai pas internet à la maison, en attente de la fibre ou d’orange…. mais ca se décale tout le tps… mpff

  2. admin on October 11th, 2013 3:04 pm

    J’ai aussi toutes les autres clefs 3G 🙂 pour tester en plus du superbe hotspot 4G de bouygues (j’adore ce gadget que je n’utilise pas 🙂 Sa vitesse me fait rever!!!

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