After Diane’s wedding, we were playing in the garden and my cousin, Anne/Thao, jockingly said to her boyfriend who was teasing her about eating legumes from her dad’s garden: “You were indeed my plan-B to avoid eating my parents’ soup”. Looks like that all girls left da house after having a boyfriend: their exit ticket or their excuse to leave the house smoothly?  A very old fashion pattern in these modern times when you’d expect a kid to get out of the house after having a job and then maybe get married. Maybe in the “Plan-B”, “B” stands for “Boyfriend” and it turns out to be the master plan: Plan-Boyfriend.

Shall the next poor chap be warned? A pattern is not a law but like “the sun rises in the east”, 3 girls so far have managed to reach their goal. Shall I mention also that the wedding is usually set to happen approximatively 2 years after moving in together?


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