ThE WeDding!

Filed Under Daily

It was really nice and I enjoyed the wedding. I should have learned to dance properly. I will fix that as soon as I get back from Germany. It is my priority #1.

The really nice goodies to remember:

My cousins’ speeches, their little games, the very nice powerpoint with Diane and Jonathan’s lives next to each other and the wedding’s surprise with the balloon heated by hot air released in the air.

Comparing Anne’s wedding to Diane’s wedding is a tough call. Diane played heavily on the sentimental side of her origin, Vietnam. It was the central theme around which many speeches were built on. Anne’s wedding was lighter. The difference reflects the sequence of their birth. Anne is the 3rd born in our family and Diane’s the 1st in her family. Usually, the first born is very sentimental and has the burden of the parents’. My brother is very much like Diane.

Little weird things I noticed:

My mom’s dress, my bro’s jean, and the heavy metal sequence!


7 Responses to “ThE WeDding!”

  1. Caro on September 9th, 2013 11:01 am

    OOOooohhh ca aurait fait un beau discours ca! 🙂 a la prochaine cousin 😉 vs nous manquez deja!!

  2. Diane on September 9th, 2013 3:27 pm

    Coucou Cousin,

    encore merci d’avoir pu participer à notre mariage. Nous sommes content que cela vous ait plu.
    Il y a déjà quelques photos du photographe sur son site web:!portfolio/c1mxv

    Nous espérons vous revoir bientôt^^.

    Jonathan et Diane

  3. alisson on September 10th, 2013 12:17 pm

    little weird thing : my mom’s dress XD !

    Ouuuuuuuuui un jour il faudra apprendre le rock (la danse) parce que j’ai un peu danser avec Fabien et c’est trop cool! 😀 alors ca va l’allemagne pour l’instant! 🙂

  4. alisson on September 10th, 2013 12:24 pm

    plutôt un point d’interrogation qu’un point d’exclamation pour l’Allemagne ^^

  5. admin on September 10th, 2013 2:12 pm

    Eh ben 4 comments de mes petites cousines!
    Chuis en allemange depuis 2 jours et je m’emmerde!
    Avion, Hotel 5 etoiles, dinners dans des restos a 40 euros… Je prefere mon ptit studio sympa et mes voisins! Le pire est a venir, je dois presenter des bilans Lundi 16.

  6. Diane on October 1st, 2013 9:41 am

    Tu as déjà vu les photos que le photographe a déjà posté sur son site? On va bientôt recevoir la suite. Je suis trop impatiente^^

  7. admin on October 1st, 2013 1:21 pm

    J’en ai vu quelques unes mais il mélange plusieurs mariages je crois… C’est rigolo!

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