The TrAnsition!

Filed Under Daily

Thursday 03: I moved out. I woke up at 6 am in order to be at the place before 8 am. The electricity/gaz technician came at 8:15 to activate both. I also moved most of my stuff from my room to my studio. I came back to take my TV and few stuffs. So first day on the floor without heat and hot water since the gas heater will be activated the day after. I had to make my own hot water to mix with cold ones and use a half plastic bottle to take a shower. Quite unpleasant.

Friday 04: The heater was turned on and I had heat and hot water. I had to sleep on the cold floor but it was a more comfortable with the heat and the hot water.

Saturday 05: I bought a washing machine and a folding bed. I think I bought all the heavy stuffs for now. It will be much better from now on. I wanted to buy everything that I can fit in my car. I do not want to have to order them and wait for the delivery.

The 3G internet is unstable. What a shame. Two weeks to wait for the activation. Hopefully it can be faster! It is already good to have access to the 3G though. It would be very painful without it.


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