My New Studio!

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I finally found a studio I like near my workplace. It is all new with a garden. It is very well located (town center and train station nearby). I will sign the paperwork next Wednesday 02 2013. As planned, I will move out of my parents’ place in January. It was very hard to find something before because my contract was not permanent yet (probation period).

I am trying to get the electricity hooked up as soon as possible then I will leave definitely my parents’ place but at this moment I do not know when that will happen. I called the electricity company as soon as I knew I had the place but everyone is currently on holidays. I do not intend to stay there too long because I want to buy my own place quickly. I just wanted to be sure I like this job. Maybe in 3-6 months.

At least from now on, it will be easier for me to check around and see what is available. I will also have more time because I am currently wasting 3 hours each day to go to work (back and forth). It wouldn’t be that long but the traffic is quite bad, lots of accidents.


2 Responses to “My New Studio!”

  1. Coura on January 1st, 2013 6:08 am

    Happy New year dans ton nouvel appart!
    tous mes meilleurs voeux 😀

  2. admin on January 1st, 2013 12:42 pm

    Happy New Year!

    Plus que 2 jours et j’y serai!

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