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6 months ago, when I entered my car or any car, I always had this little thing in my stomach called fear. I drove a lot in the US but after a long time without practice in Australia and back to France (maybe 5-6 years) , I did not feel comfortable. Now, it is much better. I have full control over my little Toyota Yaris and I am not afraid anymore. I just get in and drive as normal.
One week and half to go and I am on a permanent contract with the Institute of Soudure: Yea Yea Yea! It has been 2 weeks and half that I have not touched any kind of alcohol: Good Job to myself! I am just worried about my dormant Hepatitis B! I am sleeping much better nowadays. No more interruptions and I went to sleep quickly. No more worries.
My job is smoother now that the transition is almost over. I only deal with one kind of process, the new one that I have put in place myself so I know it by heart! The outsourcing of the project makes it so much easier to manage also. Let’s keep fingers crossed! Normally it should be fine since everybody wants its success anyways so a lot of goodwill from everyone.