GeEz! Old!

Filed Under Daily

Last Saturday, I carried heavy bags of water improperly and my back was blocked for 3 days. Monday was horrible. I could barely move my legs but I managed to work and other stuff. I am feeling much better but this is the first time that it has happened to me. I should be careful because it is very annoying. I am getting old these days.

Of course, there is this business of finding an apartment. I really wanted to push towards buying a place but I doubt I will be that lucky: finding something suitable and of course getting the bank approval. I do not even want to mention the atmosphere at home….Maybe we are the type of people who look for conflicts and we will never be happy. I am not sure I really look for happiness but I just want a quiet place. What really bothers me is to know with certainty that every 3 weeks I will have to endure a fight.


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