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1 year and 4 kgs gone!
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It took me about a year to loose 4 kgs. 5 years ago, I couldn’t get ONE kg no matter what I ate. My dad’s heart accident was the key to my awareness. To me, it is not really important to live long enough but how I would get older. I do not want to be sick or to depend on someone because I am sick. My whole family on both sides seems to have health problems when they get older. Heart disease and diabetes are our Nemesis. My parents smoked a lot so it didn’t help. People from my generation in the family were able to avoid the 2 main problems: getting fat and smoking.
Tres joyeux anniversaire mon Pierrot,avec un peu de retard! Je te souhaite tout plein de bonheur et aussiiiii…une sante de fer!!Lots of hugs!
mici mici 🙂
Non tu n’es pas du tout en retard. Je suis bien né un 24 Avril.
oupssssss 😀 j’etais en avance alors :D:D