First Busy Week in Grenoble!
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Sunday 27/02/2011:
13:30 Train iDTGV Paris-Grenoble. First class 54 Euros
16:30 Grenoble train station
18:00 Checkin into Kyriad Hotel at 18:00, 65-79 Euros per night. I lost an hour looking around. It was heavy to carry the luggage.
Problem: My left eye was red and started to irritate.
Monday 28/02/2011:
9:00 am: I met my new teammates and the person responsible for the project in this site. They are all alright compared to the crazy ones I’ve had before.
I had to look for a room in a very short time since they only offered to pay my first week’s hotel. The eye infection had me worried. It wasn’t easy but I managed to find few hours to insert into a busy schedule to look for a room.
Wednesday 02/03/2011:
15:00 I left work early to visit some studios in the city. I found a studio I liked. The only bad thing was the weird smell, some kind of chinese’s food smell I reckon. I need to get rid of it after I move in.
Thursday 03/03/2011:
The annoying paperwork required for the room and the eye infection made my week hell on Earth. My left eye was in a very bad condition during the night.
Friday 04/03/2011:
16:00 My dad could get the confirmation from his work that he won’t be fired and sent it to me by email. Since he was on sick leave we could not provide the last 3 month salaries.
17:45 I was in the emergency room at Grenoble’s hospital to check my eye. It was too late nevertheless the interns were kind enough to look at my eye after I explained to them my problem. They gave me a prescription with some antibiotics.
AND everything was miraculously solved by the end of the day!
Saturday 05/03/2011:
10:00 Tour of Grenoble’s Center: Saturday morning market, Supermarket, etc…
12:30: I went to a Chinese’s restaurant for lunch It wasn’t good but since I was hungry I wasn’t to picky.
14:00: I managed to get an internet provider, Numericable. They will come next Wednesday between 17-18 hours to set up the connection. I will have a fiber optic connection (100 Mbit/sec hopefully). I really cannot live without internet and, of course, I want the fastest speed available.
15:00 I was annoyed by an insisting young beggar. He tried to get some money when I was trying to buy a tram’s ticket. I didn’t appreciate when he tried to cancel my order by pushing the button. Stupid kid!
I kept my expectations very low this time and only focused on my goals. Grenoble isn’t that great compared to what I’ve seen. I need more time of course to check everything out. My room is right in the center of the city so I will have plenty of time to explore the city. At least I have access to all public transportation and I won’t need a car I think. All in all, I’d say it wasn’t that bad for a beginning. I do not look further than the next morning at the moment and just go along with whatever. The job isn’t bad. It consists of working on technical documentation in general: user guides mainly.
Hehe, felicitations mon pierrot! Je suis contente pour toi! J’etais a Grenoble 2 ou 3 fois. Je dois dire que j’avais bien aime. Bon c’est peut etre un peu petit mais bon plutot sympa.
Et ton oeil? Ca va mieux?
oui ca va impec la apres le traitement antibiotique.
Ca va toi? Quoi de neuf ?
ca va,on fait aller :D. t’as emmenage dans ton studio alors?
pas encore j’attends la caution signe/certifie de mes parents.