A rest!

Filed Under Daily

This weekend has been a good rest for my body. I had plenty of sleep and I didn’t do anything physically intense on Saturday besides the morning swim. I won’t attend the biweekly hiking event today, I already did the walk two times and it looks like no one really wants to attend it either because of the very early hour: 7 am for a Sunday morning!

Yesterday, I had the unpleasant surprise of having my debit card expired at the shopping center. I am lucky I had my american visa card with me. Paul will pay my $16 dinner :) . I gave a call and had the new one activated. It would be funny to find myself without cash or debit card for the rest of the weekend. I don’t have anything left in the fridge and Nils is out and about.  Nils will be gone for a month and half on vacation and I will find myself all alone for at least 3 weeks. I will be on vacation from Dec. 19 until Jan. 2 with Anne, Fabien and Fabien’s brother. I cannot wait for Christmas Holidays to kick in. It will be a new year and time for some good and serious resolutions: Time to make major changes n the directions taken by my life.


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