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Recent Posts
I need to get back to a routine. I’ve been enjoying some good quality time. I need to start rowing and running now since the swiming pool here is quite small. I might go sometimes maybe to learn the butterfly instead of doing long sessions of freestyle. I will check the timetable later. Yesterday I finally could go to sleep at midnight. I still wake up everyday at 6 am without much effort by habit.
5000 US dollars are now in my american Zecco trading account. I want to give it a try with my brother’s help. Who knows? If someday I have enough cash to do day trading, I will not want to work for anyone else but myself. I need to start resending some CVs also. I wanted to know my grades first.
The internet speed is awesome. We can watch movies online, play games and do whatever as if I was still using the University connection which is the most important thing for me. Free, our internet provider is really not bad at all. Compared to what I had 5 years ago this is like heaven. I also started to drive again on an automatic car. Not bad at all I’d say after 7 years not driving on a manual. I did not provock any schok with the gears :). All I need is some practice and everything should be perfect.