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Adjusting to My New Life!
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On Sunday, we lost internet around 9 pm and I had to fix it by installing an ad-hoc internet sharing on my own laptop. It was very annoying. I think something is wrong with our freebox v4. Anyways the phone came back and everyone can use the internet which is the most important thing. On Monday, I sent out the formula and applied for the RSA (Revenu solidarite active). I called Zecco and fixed my US trading account, I also moved my money from ING to ANZ to Zecco. On Tuesday I sent another email to ask Free about the new box I ordered a week and half ago. My sister, Anne came and stayed overnight for a family reunion. It has been a while since the family was reunited, maybe 6 or 7 years ago. It was very enjoyable. Today, we will pick up the newfree box HD.
I also cut my hair. My long hair was too damaged. It is much shorter now and I really like it more this way. The weather is much nicer. No more this cloudy sky above my head all the time.