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Recent Posts
I am in a better shape today. I went to bed at 9 pm and had plenty of sleep. My body immediately recovered and the swim was smooth and fast.
Tonight’s movie is: How to lose friends and alienate people. It has a decent rating on imdb (6.9/10) and is classified as comedy/romance. I do not know if there will be many people to watch it since it’s Easter Break and most students in the building are gone. I think there are only 3 people left in my flat.
Still waiting on the Dell computer. I am at phase 3 which is the production phase. Don’t know what they mean by that, I hope it does not mean they are putting all the PC parts together somewhere in India or China! It will really take 19 days then! *sigh* If it is really that long it will be my first and my last order from Dell.
I had my blood results last Monday. They were perfect and the hepatitis B seems dormant so far…so no worries. I thought, because of the regular herpes attack, that everything was messed up inside my body. It was probably just a readjustment period when I came back to Europe.