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New Ideas!
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After a disturbing night with dreams involving HD, reinstallation, booting system, windows copy, etc…Here I am with fresh ideas for the day. So all I need now is a cheap IDE HD for my Asus and the problem should be fixed. I can use my Compaq to do whatever I need to do and not feeling completely helpless like yesterday. My new rule for next time when something like this happens is: SIT TIGHT and THINK for at least 3 hours!
VJ, my old flatmate from the US messaged me on Monday on MSN. He finally passed his PhD defense. A very old friend from IRC also messaged me. Usually when so many people from the past message me there is something big coming. I thought it was something good but it was only my Asus that is dieing :). Irony of life!
It is funny though. I still behave like a kid when it comes to computers. With all my experience and my knowledge in computers, I am still a kid!