Like a Puzzle!
Filed Under Daily
My life since last Friday has been like a puzzle. Every single piece seems to fit in the end. Last Friday, during the lecture, the teacher from Senegal had lots of troubles. He could not start the projector and he was loosing everyone with his notes. Students started to get frustrated and few questions pointed out his bad pronunciation. Chebet got annoyed because she felt bad for the poor chap. She felt some kind of fraternity with the dude from Africa. During the break, I went to the board, fixed the projector and adjusted the image so that it came out perfectly. The second hour was normal and everyone was happy. I still cannot believe I simply stood up and told him: “I am going to help you” and he just stood there and let me do it. And it worked!
The movie night on Friday was great, the Hike on Sunday was perfect! I could even make people strike some funny poses during the hike and it was fun.
Yesterday, I went to the bank and made a money transfer between Barclays and HSBC. Barclays was my first account here in the UK but HSBC has free internet for a basic account like mine so everything is linked to Barclays but for my everyday usage I prefer HSBC. Anyways, after the transfer, I went out and checked my balance on the ATM machine. I forgot to take my card after and left. A homeless dude ran after me and shouted out loud: YOU, YES YOU! Everyone was looking at me in the street and they were all wondering why the “homie” ran after me. After he gave me my card, I just gave him money to thank him.
I went to bed very early the last 2 days, 9:30 pm, and even though there were noises I could resume my sleep quickly. I even woke up at 6 am this morning without the alarm and I do not have to swim today! Dave M sent an email to a group of people for a skiing event today. There is also the hiking club general meeting to elect a new president. Of course, I am attending both, that is the least I can do for this hiking club. I have had my bad times with them but I think it is mainly my fault. I am too picky and too arrogant to obey quietly people! Also I am weird, I do not say anything most of the time and that puts people in uncomfortable situations.
I also received a confirmation mail from a Law firm saying that they will review my application and that I will get an answer in 3 weeks time. That is something different than the regular rejection :). Who knows …?
Au nom de la fraternite senegalo-franco-vietnamienne, je te remercie d’avoir depanne le pauvre chap du Senegal! :D:D:D
Il me rappelait mes debuts quand j’enseignais dans les labo de Notre Dame. Quel stress!
C’est clair! Moi aussi! De quoi pisser dans son froc 🙂