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Strange night!
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I went to bed at 7:30 pm, woke up around 11:50 pm and could not resume my beauty sleep until 1 am. I am tired! I had a bit of a hang-over because I finished the sparkling wine bottle all by myself. I believe it disrupted my sleep. Note-to-self: do not get DRUNK at any cost ( 2 glasses of wine or 2 bottles of beer before bed time… no more!). The swim was okay. 4 slow ass jumped into the fast lane. Usually they do not bother me much if there were only 2 slow people but here it was a bit dumb since there was a full lane free. I just moved to lane 9 for a while but I had to move back because of teaching lessons. Also I had to get over the hang-over during the first 3 kms. Quite painful!
I talked a bit to Diane, my neighbor yesterday. She is really nice and she is taking a macro-economics course during the summer. Hopefully I can do the same when I go back to France. I am really tired of science! I kept on forgetting her name. It does come back though. I am really bad with names! I rented “Next” and “Romulus, my father!” Maybe I was too tired but neither one seemed good. I scrolled quickly through them.