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I have received today an email from my old friend, Herve M. He is a good friend from my time at CPE Lyon, my engineering school. We typically write to each other every year or so just to see how things are going. A typical french man: funny, easy going, quite optimistic in life and a bit lazy. Whenever there is an easy path in life, Herve will not bother with any other hard ones. One anecdote that will always make me laugh was his final course choices. He managed to pick not only the two easiest ones but failed both at the end of our second year. He told me I was foolish to pick the two hardest ones, ironically I passed both!
He told me he will be laid off sometimes this week and gave me also news about some of his friends. Looks like many of them are facing hard times as well because of the economical crisis. Herve is thinking about reconverting himself into a physiotherapist. I know why he wants to do that. Even though he practices a bunch of sports and is a decent tennis player, he has a weak constitution. He was sick most of the time I knew him. There was always something wrong with his body.
If I ever go back to Lyon someday, I would be happy to meet the bastard again.