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Feeling Sick!
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I am feeling a bit sick today. The pool was closed on Saturday so I had two days of rest since I do not swim on Wednesday. Amy came back on Wednesday morning. She has organized tons of trips for the next 3 weeks an then she will spend one month home for Easter Break. It does last 20 days here starting on March 30. I guess I will be working on my final exams during that time.
I have received on email from Dave M for a social event organized by the Hiking Club today. Some kinda of one man show in a bar in Manchester city. I declined politely since I go to bed quite early.
Linda, the secretary in Australie wrote to me and asked me about my research web page. I have told her that I will probably never do research in my life again so nothing to link. I miss my time in Australia but I was not happy. Now that I have made clear decision about my life, I still do not know how all this will end but I am felin much better. I am no longer afraid and feeling asphyxied as a researcher.