Second Semester!

Filed Under Daily

The length seems shorter and classes seem smaller. I have now 4 modules of 15 credits each instead of 2 big ones of 30 credits like last semester. I met one new teacher and I have the same teacher from last semester. Looks like Thursday is my big day, I have 5 hours from 10 am until 4 pm and then only 2 hours on Friday from 3 to 5 pm.The course seems easier now that I have studied the material from the first semester.

Today is movie night. What a shame the good comedy, Tropic Thunder is shown only at 10 pm. I will be in bed by then. I might stop by for the first movie, Rightous Kill, some kind of police/mafia movie. I will relax and sleep all weekend long. Nothing strenous and exciting is planed for this weekend.


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