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Recent Posts
Amy’s back. I was so tired I went to bed around 10 pm but I only really slept after midnight. I was disturbed several times by noises from people going to the kitchen. I think Amy had a loud chat on Skype also. Nothing really matters to me yesterday. I was zen! No swim and no class today, I stayed in bed until 9 am. I am feeling so good now!
I had some flashback about several things I could have improved at the exam but then I tried to forget about them since it is out of my hands now and unless I fail I will never have to read or think about these things later in my life. Like many things I learned in school, I will never have to use them again. That is simply how life and professional formations are. They are two completely different things with really little practical links.
I am checking several laptops on Dell. It seems that their Studio 17 series is unbeatable price wise. I am very tempted to get one. My laptop still works even if it is unstable and I am a bit reluctant to spend money when my situation is not fixed yet. The real question is whether it will have any negative impact to my life if I buy it now. It sure represents one full month of rent though!
Dave, the hiking buddy, sent me another email for possibly some hikes in the future. I also met Paul, another German acquaintance from the hikes, who expressed the desire to join us. It seems that we might have another parallel network outside of the hiking group.