It is quite hard to stay focused on preparing teaching materials, grading students, and keeping going every day. There is no one controlling you but your own will.

2.5 eUrOs!

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I have no idea why, but the price of 1 L of freshly squeezed orange juice went down, and I am enjoying it by drinking 2 L instead of 1 per day. Pure joy!

I have no idea why I had a horrible sleep trend this week. I need to recover quickly; everything is a bit messy in my head at the moment.


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Being a geek really helps with teaching. Controlling so many tools makes my teaching much easier and less time-consuming. Students feel the whole difference. Everything is prepared online, shared instantly, and ready to be displayed through a simple projector, a phone or a computer. They have access to everything without asking. They quickly discovered this […]

I am now able to replicate perfectly the same healthy routine that yields great results for my mood and overall behavior. Everything seems different; I have nothing left hanging over my head to do. I am looking forward to doing things.

Light therapy is simple and highly effective. My brain is stimulated daily. I am sleeping like a baby, going to bed around 9 PM and waking up exactly around 4:30 AM without any help. A perfect machine!

lAst PiLE!

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Every day, I woke up at 5:30 am and started grading exams until 12 pm; it was my last pile of exams. It felt great. I think I am done with many minor chores as well.

One of my bank accounts has a flaw and is exposed to a second instance of fraud. I had to request a change of the online login and a new card, and I canceled some fraudulent transfers.

My cracked version of Microsoft Office was blocked, which greatly disturbed me. Luckily, I had all my teaching materials ready, and I was able to use them on my school iPad and laptop. I figured out a way to reinstall another cracked version quickly. I do own a proper 2007 license from Microsoft.

Glad I am done with grading! There is a mental price in procrastinating!

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