Very important for mobility and flexibility!


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Free things that contribute to a healthy lifestyle and a beautiful body, strangely very hard to keep up with because it requires 1-2 hours of daily routines 🙂


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I am preparing my chilies for their future ourdoor life! I will try to keep some in their hydroponics states: more chilies and less space!

iO 3!

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This nice electrical toothbrush fixed my gums sensitivity. It cleaned my teeth perfectly and deeply. Thanks to its very nice vibration, I kept brushing my teeth twice a day for a full 5-minutes cycle each time. Since I only really eat one meal per day, it is perfect!

It is time to produce a lot of Carolina Reaper chilies from the seeds of the first fruit! Now, that it’s been proven from the fruit that it is a true Carolina Reaper! It was freaking hot!

I really do not enjoy rigid rules.

vaN lIfe!

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I’ve been thinking about this trip of mine in a van sometimes. Maybe I should try it as soon as possible!


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I cannot wait for the D-day to sign the paperwork and get the money from my studio! It should be soon (within a month).

I could not resist the new Asus Gaming 32′ screen that was on sale, I also had 200 Euros to spend from previous deals.

The nice tail that looks like a scorpion tail is getting a beautiful red color.

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