iO 3!

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This nice electrical toothbrush fixed my gums sensitivity. It cleaned my teeth perfectly and deeply. Thanks to its very nice vibration, I kept brushing my teeth twice a day for a full 5-minutes cycle each time. Since I only really eat one meal per day, it is perfect!

It is time to produce a lot of Carolina Reaper chilies from the seeds of the first fruit! Now, that it’s been proven from the fruit that it is a true Carolina Reaper! It was freaking hot!

I really do not enjoy rigid rules.

vaN lIfe!

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I’ve been thinking about this trip of mine in a van sometimes. Maybe I should try it as soon as possible!


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I cannot wait for the D-day to sign the paperwork and get the money from my studio! It should be soon (within a month).

I could not resist the new Asus Gaming 32′ screen that was on sale, I also had 200 Euros to spend from previous deals.

The nice tail that looks like a scorpion tail is getting a beautiful red color.


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I am feeling perfectly relaxed once I decided to cancel the contract and prepare the exam. All kind of weird worries faded out quickly. It was just the right thing to do instead of getting assigned randomly anywhere every year.


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I wanted to end my current teaching contract to try seriously the teaching exam. Then, the perfect timing and opportunity comes along with the perfect motivation.


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So true that!

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