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I caught 4 ladybugs and I am trying to get them to reproduce! They are quite expensive and they should help with pets control in the garden.

A single fruit purée is boring to eat however a mix of many fruits purée is healthy and delicious!


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More sprouts are joining the fun!

A new batch is coming! This time, I am 100 % sure that these seeds are from a real Carolina Reaper chilie.


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Sleep score: 92!!! Way to go! Life feels great, my mind is freaking clear and my body feels great also! Is it possible to reach 100 score?

Damn, only 5 sprouts from my own seeds! The Carolina Reaper is quite hard to grow.


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I tried hard to avoid beers but now and then I tend to get back to drinking! It does not help with my sleep and my weight.


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It is probably the last cold week-end but temperature will drop by 10 degrees! I am glad I can move all my hydroponics inside and protect my babies from the cold shock.

Boring and long! However this guy is doing the same things I do every day: cycling, taking care of plants and taking some photos!

The Garmin App confirmed over a year that my fitness age is about 10 years younger than my current age. I can feel it easily, no hair loss, no healthy problems and I can easily climb up stairs while others are running out of breath.

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