It took me some time to break my bad habits, as consistency and discipline are key factors, especially when there are so many social influences involved. It’s a personal journey because one needs to find what works for oneself. I focused on myself and stopped the social background noise.

Now that we are heading towards the end of the summer, the fruits have had plenty of time to soak up the sun and ripen to near perfection. This batch of ‘melon charentais’ is scrumptious!


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Just before his surgeries, my dad started to groom himself again. He wanted to look good. Contact with society does help one improve their overall appearance. His taste in fashion has always been lacking; I did notice how poorly dressed we all were when we were young, from the unflattering haircuts given by our parents […]

I’ve seen a child running around the lake with their mother for the past two days. It’s inspiring to see the child’s determination to improve their fitness before the start of the school year. The mother was trailing behind, but they both seemed committed to the exercise. I’m curious to see how long they can […]

I do not know what the microbiota inside my gut are doing, however, they are doing an excellent job whenever I fill my stomach with a wide variety of healthy food and fibers! I will keep feeding them the way they like!

alL gOoD!

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I am trying to apply common sense to my daily choices: Sleep: Aim for 8 hours each night Diet: Maintain a balanced diet, consuming a variety of foods and aiming for 2300 calories per day Exercise: Engage in regular, consistent physical activity Fun: Seek out mentally stimulating activities to maintain mental well-being Social relations: Avoid […]


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Friday night, I had fun playing, but I also experienced a huge headache, almost vertigo, due to the game animations. I went through the phases of re-adapting to World of Warcraft (WoW) gameplay: Friday: I had a huge headache from in-game animations and addons. Saturday: I couldn’t get the addons to work, but I became […]


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This is the 2nd time I’ve gotten an excellent sleep score above 90!

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