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A lot of fresh figs are on sale; they are delicious! My gut microbiota love this type of fiber.


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The gaming industry has evolved far beyond its initial stages! I can now instantly obtain the best configurations from anyone willing to share, and many of the top players are eager to compete for the best setups. By simply copying strings of code, I can achieve optimal results with minimal effort. It’s very easy and […]

A new type of food to boost morale!

It is strange, but I do not crave any specific type of food nowadays.

How to Hide Your Nerdy Side When Interacting with Society: The Clothes, The Hairstyle!


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Every day, I go for a ride and train on the public sports facilities available around the park at Étang de Cergy. It keeps me in great shape, and I am thankful to the people who set that up! Many people try to do pull-ups and can’t go beyond 10, but I regularly do three […]

My brother’s computer displayed a black screen after my dad cleaned it. I simply told my dad that there was no problem with the computer because there hadn’t been any problem before, so it was likely an issue with the HDMI cable. He struggled with it from Friday to Monday. Finally, it worked again on […]


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Third time’s a charm, they say! I’m off to chase that elusive perfect 100 score.


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Two weeks after his surgery to insert a stent in his artery, my dad played with fire by drinking. He has the same problems I do; he cannot stop and he becomes very aggressive after a few drinks. Of course, the inevitable happened. I stopped asking, making comments, or even talking about it. Each one […]

Initially, I felt somewhat apprehensive about setting up a stream specifically for World of Warcraft. Fortunately, I was able to simply copy and paste all the elements I had previously configured for Gloomhaven. Since I had done this recently, the process was effortless and quite intuitive

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