Ha Ha!

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For once, I picked the right ‘horse.’ In fact, I have always voted left, and I cannot see myself voting right until I die. The videos on TikTok were hilarious after the French election, and it was very entertaining. I learned a new term, ‘tactical voting,’ from the French system.


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I didn’t ask for this much, however, I am very happy whenever there are freebies: a free gym pass for 2 weeks plus an additional 2 weeks. It will be very useful, especially when it rains.

my JunGle!

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So many chili peppers are ripening!


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I’ve had fun playing Gloomhaven over the last few days and I’ve been so engrossed that I forgot to eat. Consequently, I’ve noticed a drop in my weight.

It’s hard to tell if my brother is trying to stimulate new blooms or if he’s just venting his frustration on these roses. Some of his roses have ended up bare and weak, with no leaves or branches left, or they’ve been replaced. Most roses have only one blooming cycle per year and they can […]

56.5 kGS!

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Finally, after two months, my weight is back to its optimal level: 56.5 kg. Bad habits are very easy to fall into, therefore, I do my best to keep myself in check.


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Finally, the second-generation Carolina Reaper chilies are ripening! The general trend for this summer seems to be rainy, cloudy, and warm.

Nothing else really matters when your sleep is perfect!

30 dAyS!

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Not a single day without biking and my legs look great!


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My stomach is upset by the high level of acidity contained in one of my favorite Vietnamese sauces. I’ll just have to give up on this type of dish and maintain a healthier diet.

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