I have too many kind of chilies! I will never be able to eat them all, but I’ve got plenty of Carolina Reaper chilies now.

pIne nUts!

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Pine nuts are my favorite super dried nuts and they are quite expensive. Luckily, there are on sale.

It was so difficult to determine the key factors that influenced my well-being three years ago. The primary motivation was to improve my appearance and prevent the onset of physical decline as I age.


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I am feeling strangely much better now that my dreams are back. It simply means that I go through all my 4 sleep cycles normally.


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Easy and quite useful! Even kids can easily fold their own cloths with this folding board.

One of the most effective way to treat minor muscular or tendon inflammations due to intense exercises! The heat simply increases the blood flow and the body heals itself.

My healthy habit achievement is simple: a healthy trend, meaning a consistent healthy behavior.

It took me about three years to correct my bad lifestyle habits. In fact, every day when I wake up, I have two choices to make, and it requires a lot of energy to make the right one. That is how to consistently maintain a good lifestyle.


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Avocados are delicious and very easy to eat. My favorite super fruit at the moment, they are on sale.

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