After a week of testing, I found the best configuration for my lifetime blog server: It has the newest Ubuntu operating system, the latest WordPress and PHP versions, along with the most advanced scripts available. I can do anything I truly desire with it since I have ultimate control: root access or “su” power!

gOoD mOoD!

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My body always feels rested whenever I have a long, deep sleep. However, my brain is in a “good mood” when the REM phase is excellent, meaning that whenever I have vivid, unusual dreams. Dreams appear to be very important in maintaining a positive mood.


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With hindsight (and 1 year after), I finally understood the weird drama from last year. The garden used to be my mother’s playground, and my brother used to go to his favorite bar before the “Covid years”. Basically, he disappeared physically from Friday 8 pm until Sunday 12 pm. The bar went out of business, […]


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After the cold/flu, my sleeping patterns are back to normal. It was very uncomfortable however knowing exactly what happened helped with self-control and logical behavior.

Everyday self-check list to avoid incoherent behavior!

When I’m hurt, nothing makes much sense in my behavior. However, I just maintain my routines and everything goes pretty much “normally” during these 4 sick days.

Who will eat all of these Carolina Reaper chilies?


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I had a minor cold/flu three days ago. My weight dropped slightly below my target due to being occupied with learning how to implement my WordPress blog on these new platforms (Oracle & Google Cloud). My mind felt lighter, as if it were a reward.

I really thought my time playing with Linux/Unix systems was over, but Oracle and Google Cloud (free services) have allowed me to get back into the shell world!

1 SeconD!

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I narrowly avoided a potential serious bike accident by just one second! Two elderly men nearly collided with my bike at high speed; they cut across my lane and I didn’t see them coming from my right!

keep looking »