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I need to reproduce exactly what I ate, did and practiced as sport yesterday because I am feeling great today.


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I’ve earned my badge for having good sleep from Garmin 4 times! It feels good and makes all the difference.


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Perfect diet implies perfect baby poop! Funny !

Just normal, perfect skin and no zits in the back! I never really could get rid of them except during summer. A proper diet solved it all.


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220 kms per week of cycling do wonders to my calves!

The new Carolina Reaper trees are doing great! They already have blossoms and some flowers.

The daily monitoring of my physiological parameters made me very self-conscious of any deviations into my well-being. Too salty, too fatty, too sweet, too stressed, too acidic, too “anything” and I immediately tried to find the cause and corrected it.

In my health survey, there was this question: “You no longer take care of your appearance.” I did notice that old people in the park looked healthy and much younger when they took great care of their physical appearance. Not all obese people look neglected though, there were some weirdos with tons of expensive tattoos […]


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It is the gold standard for a healthy lifestyle! Indeed, sleep should always be a critical factor to consider when optimizing your lifestyle. I am quite happy with my current trend.

Time for these ripe chilies to leave their spots for new sprouts!

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