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I tried these drugs containing melatonin to help with sleep and it worked great! No addiction, just natural compound. The spray version is practical, I will try the “film” version.

bAsic FiT!

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It was a bit too wet to go out cycling. Too much dirt to clean after! I went to try a day pass at Basic Fit. Luckily the machine did not connect to their site and they let me try for free.

taX forM!

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Done! A very annoying chore, especially, when you have to do it for your family also.

I’ve come full circle: the small Carolina Reaper plant my brother brought home provided seeds that grew into a new Carolina Reaper plant, which has now produced fruit! It looked so fragile when I transplanted it back to the Aerogarden, but it managed to thrive and grow strong!


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It feels good when a healthy trend is in place; it creates a positive cycle.


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I had to tell my dad again to stop telling me what my mother told him to tell me. I do not want to be part of anyone’s else madness than my own. It seems that everyone forgot the stupid drama from the exact same shit last year (almost day-for-day)!


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Simple and highly productive setup! My little forest is thriving and it is producing chilies and flowers throughout the day.


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My body does not want to go below 57 kg. I am quite happy with my general look, so be it!

Finally, I found my favorite inexpensive screen cleaning gel after three weeks!

keep looking »