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The rapid eye movement (REM) sleeping phase was excellent and very long however I had tons of nightmares! I need to find a way to have good dreams!

The 160 ladybugs larvae got rid of of the aphids infesting my chilie trees in just 2-3 days, highly effective! It took me 2 hours per day and I could not reach everything because they hide in small corners of the branches and they keep on reproducing and spreading back every 3 days.


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These new chilie sprouts are my backup plan in case something goes wrong with my current fully grown chilies. We never know. I am very impressed with my current chilies, so green and strong compared to the ones transferred to soil. It is also very nice to have multiple Carolina Reaper chilies just for my […]


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I caught 4 ladybugs and I am trying to get them to reproduce! They are quite expensive and they should help with pets control in the garden.

A single fruit purée is boring to eat however a mix of many fruits purée is healthy and delicious!


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More sprouts are joining the fun!

A new batch is coming! This time, I am 100 % sure that these seeds are from a real Carolina Reaper chilie.


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Sleep score: 92!!! Way to go! Life feels great, my mind is freaking clear and my body feels great also! Is it possible to reach 100 score?

Damn, only 5 sprouts from my own seeds! The Carolina Reaper is quite hard to grow.


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I tried hard to avoid beers but now and then I tend to get back to drinking! It does not help with my sleep and my weight.

keep looking »