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It is very relaxing to have a mind empty of external thoughts. Nothing to worry about, nothing that turns on repeat mode and wastes your mental energy.


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Without the bugs, the chilie trees thrive inside my room. Patiently waiting for warmer weather!


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Two of my chilie trees were exposed too long to the cold, luckily, I moved them back quickly inside and they recovered promptly.

My hydroponic setup for my chilie trees! Less space more chilies and maybe I can keep them over the winter every year.


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Since I went “password less” I can see whenever hackers try to log into my email accounts. They only tried once or twice and gave up. Indeed, it requires the confirmation from my Iphone.


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I need fibers to control my transit!


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Car safety inspection every 2 years! Nothing special to replace nor maintain this time, I did replace the windshield blades (back & front) and the air filters.


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That was my cleaning day! A lot of old school stuffs pilled up from the previous assignment and I have a small room to keep in order.


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It is all over TikTok however I do not enjoy suffering and one drama per semester is enough, I shall pass on “One Day” drama because I had my share of sadness with “Past Lives”.


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I just received the news from TikTok, my ID card and my driving license are now dematerialized on my phone.

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