baD slEep!

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As usual very bad sleep on Wednesdays! Luckily, I can recover the day after!

I am getting better however it is so hard to convince myself to grade all my students at the beginning of vacations. The best I could do was to start grading 5 days before D-day!


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During the winter, my skin got dry however this year it seems that the healthy diet of fruits took care of rejuvenating my skin: it is soft and it glows! I was surprised myself at the soft feel instead of the dryness. Viva frozen fruits and smoothies of fruits!


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Finally I was able to reach the 90 mark! Sleep is gold, sleep is my superpower! I understood that simple fact of life so late!


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Fancy chilie shape and funny purple color! My first harvest of the yellow chilies from indoor/winter time was not too bad.


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I really enjoy the simplicity of my room.


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It requires energy and determination to make the smoothies daily however my stomach is feeling great on this healthy diet.


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All parameters are looking good!


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My little luxurious forest!


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I am feeling great! The sleeping score was perfect! I am trying to reach the 90 threshold or get a higher score.

keep looking »