My little garden’s growth seems unstoppable now!

I found it very convenient to have these dual USB/USB-C drives, I can indeed copy files stored on the cloud and make it available for any other devices immediately from my Iphone 15. No more PC + an internet plug or Wifi required! Just my IPhone 15 and the 4G/5G connection.


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It worked! For a while, I was wondering if the indications on my Garmin Fenix 6 Pro watch were accurate. It recorded yesterday a very long REM phase and, indeed, I had long but very vivid dreams. They were unpleasant however they seemed so real!

dA tHirD!

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My third batch batch is joining the fun and is now at its cruising speed. Once they reach that amount of leaves, they grow everyday.


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Nothing can stop my chilie trees when they are on their growth curve!

100 eUroS!

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If I was wiser, I would have stopped right there, since I was not, I only stopped at 50 Euros! Still a good feeling of winning!

The only chilie tree, that survived the process of going from soil into water/hydroponics, is now thriving. The only bad thing was that it carried the bugs and I had to manually remove them everyday, otherwise, it would get out of control.

Just in case there is an accident, my next batch of chilie seeds is ready to sprout! There are so many reasons that something might happen, problem with bugs being very common. Also, if I produce my favorite ones in great numbers, I could just do that using vases and simple LED lights. I only […]

I enjoyed a quiet yet very relaxing evening for New Year’s Eve. Since I embraced a quiet lifestyle, everything was fine. No more contentious, time consuming and useless conflicts, just me and my bank account and we did get along regarding things to buy or not to buy.

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