The new school is near the old one so same commute time however much better schedule and only 3 working days with less teaching hours, so GREAT! I met with the teacher I will temporally replace and she was great, she prepared everything and all I need is to follow her instructions. I already taught […]


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I was very happy to switch to a new school, less working hours and more homogeneous classes meaning less extra homework. I felt a bit sad about my students. I need to think about my career. Also, I did prepare them well and everything will be OK; Indeed, I have waited for my replacement to […]


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I was offered a kick-ass assignment starting Monday for 1-2 months teaching in a new school, the new teaching schedule is only 15,4 hours meaning almost 2 hours and half less for the same salary and it reduced my time by 12 hours and half per week! Yipppie! I immediately accepted.


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I’ve received finally some good news, someone accepted to replace me at my current teaching school, opening the opportunity for me to leave anytime. I did not really want to to continue because of the lengthy commute time per day: 3 hours. It took away all the interest of teaching. However I do not know […]


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Little candles outsides the window at these winter/freezing temperature are very relaxing.


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The easiest and cleaniest way to obtain hot crunchy bread: buy pre-made dough and cook it in the air fryer, just delicious!


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The most productive chilie tree is now giving out a show for the eyes with many chilies. The others are joining the fun soon. I see a lot of flowers and buds.

Once you’ve found the optimum conditions for growth, these chilie trees grow everyday 2-3 cms easily. I need to see some seeds from the Carolina Reaper! I will either trim them down or move them out of their paradise setup in the next few weeks.


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My body is a bit sore from the indoor HIIT workout. It has been a while that I have not practiced or more precisely used these types of muscles.

I woke up at 4:30 am, took a showerp, drank 2 smoothies and a cup of coffee, turned Youtube on whatever is relaxing then I started grading student papers. It is very strange however my brain is very happy at the end of the day. It has all the mental exercises it requires. Both body […]

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