We shall finally see if this is a true Carolina Reaper from its very first chilie.

I should have listened to my Garmin Fenix 6 Pro and called it off since I was overreaching in my training. I had a minor sprained ankle due to a misstep, I was not even running but I did hurt myself a little but. I should see tomorrow if it was just a minor bruise […]


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I am very good at detecting loopholes! What if I do not declare the fact that I no longer use my yearly subscription to the train because it is easier to use my car? I would still receive the refund of 51 Euros per month since nobody can check that or would even think about […]


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Who would have guessed that the French public academia would give me 175 Euros to help me buy computer related stuff? Surely not me!


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Tons of chilies of all kind! They even got ripe and changed colors!


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It is funny that we, my brother and I ended up being teachers. Time and freedom are the best qualities of the job. I do get along with kids, I mean in a short timeframe and only when I am the teacher.


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I am loving this good sleep trend! My mind is so light and I am feeling so great!


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If only I knew how much money I would be getting as a teacher for 15 hours / week! I would be a teacher earlier! I received 2746 Euros this month!

I was part of a group of teachers who were responsible for the preparation of the final subject of the French famous exam: ” le baccaulauréat”. I was not really supposed to do so because I was still under a fixed-term contract and I was not part of their public system yet. Anyways, I noticed […]


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I’ve just realized I just got out of a shitty situation: hard teaching schedule, multiple levels of classes, weak but annoying students, annoying parents and finally useless administrative staff members. I got rid of all of these stupid shit in a very effective move and I am much happier now: quietly yet highly effective checkmate […]

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