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- luXurY: 2 cARs!
- fEeLing GreAt!
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- tIMe & pAtIEnCE!
- tHe SOluTion!
- 3 DayS oF woRk!
- tInY proBlem!
- nEw ToY!
- dEAl!
- tImE iS gOlD!
- unBlOcK a fIlTer!
- 2 ProBlEms soLved!
- bAttErY BooSter!
- gRadIng ExAms!
- fiNallY!
- wEigHT!
- a funnY tWiSt!
- slEep!
- rEsT!
- eXhAuStEd!
- dIrTy Car!
- eXperIenCe!
- GreAt SlEep!
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I spent few hours testing a new backup system (free): Updraft. Updraft would allow me to recover easily my WordPress website in few clicks from backups sent to my Google drive. It should be safe, straightforward and very fast. It’s been painful to re-do everything every few weeks after unexpected crash.