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I’ve had a nasty gastro-enterite yesterday, luckily it lasted only a night and a morning. Usually, it is shorter if I could vomit, somehow it did not happen.

My brother and my parents’ Aerogarden plants are growing at their own pace. My mother wanted some kind of competition to know who will have a better growth. My little jungle has outpaced theirs by far, indeed, my smaller Aerogardens have powerful lights using LEDS and my room is much warmer. Also, my mother kept […]


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The ultimate goal is to obtain some chilies, I am starting to have pollinated flowers and some tiny chilies. I am also quite happy with my 3 little hydroponic bottles, they grow slowly but with elegance.


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Good sleep and beers did not go well together! I was a bad boy for few days and my Garmin Fenix 6 Pro knew about it! As soon as I stopped, I slept like a baby again.

sO PrEtTy!

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I kept on improving the look of my indoor garden area! So pretty and so relaxing!


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I spent few hours testing a new backup system (free): Updraft. Updraft would allow me to recover easily my WordPress website in few clicks from backups sent to my Google drive. It should be safe, straightforward and very fast. It’s been painful to re-do everything every few weeks after unexpected crash.


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You need to be lightning fast otherwise you miss these fantastic deals!


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My parents have their own indoor garden, they are a bit greedy by plating a lot of seeds in one pot.