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I started a mass production of my homemade kefir from the grains I bought. The taste was as good as bought store Kefir and I enjoyed the sparkling feel of the fermented milk. It feels good to know that I am making 10 times more probiotics than yogurt and that it is good for my […]

thE USual!

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Glad I could find this drug: Actifed! I am so used to have it when treating a cold. It has more mental effect than real effect on the cold itself. I also used my normal mixture to fight off the cold: Hot Herbal Teas + Ginger + Citrus + Honey. The cold is slowly fading […]


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A lot of customers are trying to fill up their gas tank due to a good deal. An unexpected strike combined to the mass behaviour created long queues in front of gas stations. My gas tank is quite low (only 2 bars left) and I will have to wait for the end of this weird […]


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“Super finn drain gel” is the miracle product I used to clean up very hard and dirty spots such as: toilet, kitchen and bathroom sinks. In its gel form, it sticks to all the angular spots and do wonders like a house fairy.

It is my hope that this is going to be a minor cold, I’ve had a light sore throat and I am coughing. It did disturb my sleeping patterns yesterday. Let’s see in few days how this cold turns out to be a minor or a serious cold.


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After few days of resting and not biking, my trigger fingers are getting better. The permanent pressure created a constant inflammation that could never be healed by my body. Resting was the only and most effective cure.


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After a fantastic night a horrible one due to beers! Very stupid of me!

I do get a hell lot of energy and I am in a happy mood when I receive these “excellent” sleep scores, my body agreed with my Garmin Fenix 6 Pro smartwatch.

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