nIce Run!

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I had a lot of sleep (> 9 hours) and the run was perfect! It seems that 4.54 minutes per km remains my best time and it will be hard to beat that in the future. I could run as fast twice so far.

Playing with newbies nowdays has become a bit painful. I was such a noob when I started this game however after hundreds of hours of gameplay, I got to the hardest level and I really do not enjoy playing with people who waste their turns in burning cards.

As soon as I drink wine again, the heart rate was unstable. Gotta be a good boy otherwise bad running time!

It is quite delicious.


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I’ve been lucky with some random mistakes and getting freebies the last 2 weeks. Error from my Flickr account that allowed me to extend for 1 year my subscription (ending date: 2023 instead of 2022) and getting re-imbursed the 65.80 Euros fees. Random price tags error that allowed me to buy stuff for 1/4 of […]

Easy meals yet delicious!

one of my favorite appetizers!


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I was slowish for 1 single km and it messed up my whole time! It was a bit wet and slippery so I had to slow down to avoid injuries from a fall.


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