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Strange and very addictive song, especially the girl voice in the background:


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Trying to stop the weight increase therefore veggies’ day!


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It is not a big problem in my case but I did notice that no alcohol consumption means no pimples in the back for me.


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I have to stop beers and wine for few days. Alcohol is very caloric and I gained 4 kgs from beers. Need to reverse the course quickly before it becomes harder to get back to these 55.5 kgs.


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very nice whistling!

I bought a simple gaz stove to make corn on the cob, one of my favorite meal:


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Kinda of violent to the extreme! It was hard to stop watching the movie but I do not know if I really enjoyed this type of movie.


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There come the allergies, I hate all these particles that made me cough this time of the year!


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