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My well-being is perfectly shown by 2 key physiological indicators: Stress and Resting Heart Beat. Both indicators have to be low and stable.


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I love the return service from Amazon. It allows me to try many things before buying one that suits me: watchband colors!

All kind of fibers and loads of them!


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My first harvest was quite nice!


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Not too bad! I’ve not been running for a while because my feet needed some rest to avoid useless injuries due to the intense physical stress.


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When I diversify my meals, meaning eating many different things for my one meal per day, I no longer crave for a specific type of meals. Indeed, the body does not crave for what it does not lack if it gets everything it needs, especially in terms of taste and nutrients.

I participated 2 weeks ago in a public event concerning road/bike security issues on my ride home (during which I had my bike checked for free as well). I won the free contest about security issues and received today by mail 60 Euros as a gift card to spend at Intersport store.

My stomach is happy when I eat a lot of fiber-rich food and I am very relaxed with a good amount of sleep!


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I am feeling so relaxed today, almost happy! I wondered what I ate or did yesterday but I shall try to reproduce it.

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