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Fibers were amazing for the balanced of my digestive system and they improved my mood by lowering my stress level.


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Good run! Good pace! 4.49 min/ km


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A lot of my new trees this year came from Lidl, that’s where the best deals were.

cOvID 19!

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My parents received their 4th shots (or 2nd booster)! I wish I could have been eligible.

What if I eat my 5 fruits or veggies at the beginning of each meal instead of eating them after I am full. It would help with controlling the intake in terms of quality and quantity.

It is that time of the year when my Toyoya Yaris demands some attention. The weather was perfect for cleaning the car, especially the windows.

There was only one unique star fruit tree at the Lidl store and I bought it!

New tires and air chambers for my bike! I just wanted to keep optimum performance and avoid a bad surprise such as a flat tire during my ride. It felt great, exactly like riding a new bike!


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Smooth and relaxing tune!

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