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I do not think I have enough screens even though 7 is quite nice.


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Good sleep, low heart rate!

I’ve declared war to all the summer bugs! I am testing the most effective way to get rid of these pets. So far, a simple long ribbon coated with glue on its surface caught hundreds of bugs easily each day. The more sophisticated traps only caught a handful of them.

niCe Tan!

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I’ve got a nice tan on my face and my arms thanks to the sun and the regular biking sessions.

I wish I knew this before! It is a very easy way to deal with constipation.

blUe YeTi!

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I bought this blue Yeti microphone to try it out. I do not enjoy wearing a heavy headset while playing games. I prefer my tiny bluetooth hearphone and this Blue Yeti microphone. Its price is however very expensive, 100 Euros and it is a huge microphone.

Each year at this precise moment of time, the weather is very hot and dry, therefore, there are always a surge of insects, it happened almost every year. Last year, my mother killed all the tomatoes trees in 4 days by spreading some chemical mixture she learned from Youtube. She repeated the exact same thing […]

aPpLe tV!

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A new competitor to my Youtube, Netflix and Amazon prime favorite apps to screen freebies at the highest resolution.

People I regularly played with immediatly noticed a different voice as soon as I put this new kick ass gaming headset on.


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Tons of fruits and veggies!

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